Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors can be made from a minimum of 9 up to a maximum of 19 members, of whom at least 3 - and, in any case, no more than 5 - make up the Audit Committee.
Directors' term in office is three financial years, unless a shorter term is established at the time of their appointment, and ends on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting called for the approval of the financial statements relating to the last financial year in which they are in office.
The Board of Directors currently in office was appointed by the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on April 12, 2024 for the financial years 2024 - 2026, on the basis of a proportional representation mechanism ("voto di lista"), and its terms of office ends on the date of the Shareholders' Meeting called to approve the 2026 financial statements.
As regards the actions taken in recent years to strengthen our governance and align it with international best practices, improving the composition and functioning of the Board of Directors has been a fundamental commitment for our Group.
Board of Directors evolution

Pietro Carlo Padoan
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Elena Carletti
Deputy Vice Chair

Andrea Orcel
UniCredit Group CEO and Head Of Italy, Chairman UniCredit Foundation, Chairman of HypoVereinsbank - UniCredit Bank GmbH

Paola Bergamaschi
Gender Breakdown
Age Breakdown
Independence as per
Corporate Governance Code