Born in Milan (Italy) on June 18th, 1964
Degree in Business Administration Catholic University - Milan
Other informations
Associate Professor - Faculty of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences; Milan, Catholic University; courses taught: Financial Reporting and International Reporting Standard; Courses taught jointly: Corporate Finance - Valuation (advanced course), from 2002 to present.
Gabriele Villa
Main posts held
- Member of the Board of Directors
- Member of the Audit Committee
Other posts currently held
Founder and Partner, Studio Corbella Villa Crostarosa-Guicciardi, Milan
Statutory Auditor of Edison S.p.A.
Statutory Auditor of Italmobiliare S.p.A.
Statutory Auditor of TdE -Transalpina di Energia S.p.A.
Chairman of Statutory Auditors of Fondazione Accademia Arti e Mestieri del Teatro della Scala
Posts previously held
In the banking, financial and insurance sector specific experience acquired as Director or Statutory Auditor of the following companies:
Xelion Banca (Gruppo UniCredit); Credito Artigiano; CreditRas Assicurazioni; CBA Vita; Fineco Banca; Spafid; Mediobanca.
Member of Statutory Auditor, member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee Member of Mediobanca
Chairman of the Board of Spafid