Ad integrazione del comunicato diffuso da UniCredit Group in data 27 giugno, con il quale è stato reso noto al mercato che il consorzio OJSC Aeroflot Russian Airlines ("Aeroflot") e UniCredit Banca Mobiliare S.p.A. ha deciso di non proseguire ulteriormente nella procedura di privatizzazione della quota detenuta dal Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze nella società Alitalia, su esplicita richiesta della Consob ai sensi dell'art. 114 comma 5, del D.Lgs. n. 58/1998, si riporta quanto autonomamente dichiarato da Aeroflot in merito alla medesima decisione e pubblicato sul sito Aeroflot in data 27 giugno 2007:
"After a thorough review of all the elements of the privatization process for Alitalia, Aeroflot has decided with regret to withdraw and is not in the position to present a binding offer under the set terms and conditions.
Aeroflot believes that acquiring Alitalia under the current conditions would not be the right decision for it to take.
The following elements have supported Aeroflot's decision to withdraw:
- Aeroflot and its advisors have not had access to critical information with respect to the commercial and operational aspects on Alitalia's business to confidently formulate a well supported business proposal to successfully restructure Alitalia.
- The conditions and requirements outlined for the privatization process would significantly limit the ability of Aeroflot to implement what Aeroflot believes to be the necessary measures to re-launch Alitalia.
Aeroflot express thanks to its partner UniCredit bank for joint efforts in preparation of the bid proposals as well as consultants and banks that helped to prepare its initial business plan for Alitalia.
Aeroflot is committed to expand its operations in Europe by increasing its operational activities as well as acquiring strategic assets."
Milano, 28 giugno 2007
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